Have skin issues, shingles, eczema, psoriasis?
Pure goat milk and honey tee tree soap is the product for you. Great for dry winter skin or after sun skin. I've praised this soap before and I will praise it again. I suffer from skin issues and irritations, this really made my rash feel better and gone in a few days. Also very soothing and soft on the skin. Tee Tree Oil has so many wonderful medicinal qualities. Tee tree kills bacteria and fungi. The oil that I use in this soap is Australian and from the evergreen leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. Tea tree oil has been used as complementary therapy in surgery, burn care, and dental care. Over the counter soaps are incredibly harsh on our skin and are filled with petroleum oils - really. Anyway, all of that to tell you that it is good stuff I love this soap, it's pure.
PURE Tee Tree Goat Milk Soap